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Preceptorship Grant

Link to Preceptorship Application:   Year 6 NEDS Preceptorship Application 2025-2026.pdf

Submit your completed application and CV plus Letter of Support from your preceptor and Letter of Approval from your residency program to by Tuesday, April 15, 2025 by 6:00 PM EST. Please insert Preceptorship Application in the Subject Line.

*Year 6 Grant awardees who apply by (a) the April 15, 2025 deadline will be announced at the October 4, 2025 Clinical meeting.

For further questions about the NEDS Preceptorship Program, contact the NEDS Administrator, Gayle Sommer at or 781-434-7731.

Need help in finding a preceptor?  NEDS has a list of NEDS physician members interested in serving as a Program Preceptor and a list of their potential project topics. Contact the NEDS Administrator, Gayle Sommer at for further assistance. 


Program Criteria

1.         Open to current residents at accredited dermatology residency programs in the following states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,  and Vermont

2.         Accepted preceptorships will take place during the 2024-2025 academic year.

3.         Resident Proposals must include an educational experience (e.g. precepted clinical care, research, or community service) under the guidance of an active NEDS faculty member NOT affiliated with the applicant's residency program.          

4.         Funding will provide a maximum of $ 1,000/week for up to 2 weeks to cover resident expenses for travel, housing, and project supplies

a.         Maximum of four (4) grants to be awarded. There is a limit of one awarded Preceptorship Grant per Resident.

b.         Receipts are required within 1-2 years (based on project timing as outlined in section 2 after receipt of the Grant

a.         Recipients must provide a summary of outcomes associated with their project, including any publications or presentations

b.         Recipients must make a 5-minute presentation at a 2025 NEDS clinical meeting (typically the Spring clinical meeting in  April or May)  to share their project experience


1.         Resulting publications, poster presentations or oral presentations must acknowledge funding support through the NEDS Preceptorship Grant

2.         Recipients may be eligible for up to $ 500 to help with travel expenses tied to poster and/or oral presentations (if taking place within two years of project completion)

Deadline for application submission is Monday, April 15, 2024

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PO Box 549127  Waltham, MA 02454-9127
P: 781-434-7731  F: 781-464-4896  

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